NAMRB – Aktiv Ltd.

"NAMRB - Activ" Ltd.  is a company solely owned by the NAMRB and was established by a decision dated April 25, 2005. Establishment of the company is driven by the desire of NAMRB to provide for municipalities quality services at competitive prices and added value activities. The company was established by a decision of the SCC 108/2006 of 26.01.2006  

Our goal is by building mutually beneficial relationships with Bulgarian municipalities to provide them with relevant, timely and useful services that contribute to improving the quality of local government in Bulgaria. 

NAMBR - Activ work for:

  • Good governance at the local level by strengthening and developing the competence and capacity of the representatives in local government
  • Communal solidarity for a fair distribution of overall responsibilities and benefits
  • Development of mutually beneficial partnerships with the central government, business and non-profit sector


  • Respect and commitment
  • Responsibility and consistency
  • Competence and professionalism
  • Trust between partners